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This is a quiz to test your understanding of the 10 basic land features.


Slopes and Terrain Features

I. Slopes

There are 4 types of slopes. Each type is shown by its contour lines. If the contour lines are close together, then the slope is steep. If the contour lines are far apart, then the slope is gentle.

A. Gentle slope

Contour lines on the map will be far apart and relatively equally divided.

Read more: Slopes and Terrain Features

  1. Check the situation, (is the patient in a safe area?)
  2. Call for help. You in the Green shirt call 9.1.1)
  3. Care for the patient. (Is patient breathing? Does (s)he need CPR?

    Read more: General CPR

Lark's Head or Cow Hitch

We have already seen ths when a square knot was
spilled, but this time we want to make it. It is used to
fasten things onto a line or through rings when it is
not necessary to undo them n a hurry Despite its
name, it should not be used for tethering cows!

Read more: Lark's Head or Cow Hitch

This is one of the smpest of knots and was
once commonly used to secure the bottom end
of a longbow string to the bow. It is also good,
as the name suggests, for hauling logs or poles
when woodng.

Read more: Timber Hitch


Up Coming Events

Sun Jul 28 @09:00 - 13:00:
Weekly meeting at Tịnh-xá Giác-lý

Westminster Weather